Sober Shepherds Podcast Hosts

  • Amy Widestrom

    Audio Journalist

  • Vincent Mendola

    Audio Journalist

David Weitz David Weitz

New Beginnings

Hosting his very first podcast, Sober Shepherds, Vince Mendola sits down with his first guest, Ralph as he explains to Vince in explicit detail the hard journey getting sober and what life is like today in recovery thanks to twelve steps, good friends and God as he understands him.

Your Host, Vince Mendola

Hosting his very first podcast, Vincent Mendola sits down with his guest, Ralph, who explains in explicit detail the hard journey of getting sober and what life is like today in recovery, thanks to the twelve steps, good friends, and God as he understands Him.

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David Weitz David Weitz

Alternative Spiritual Remedies

Meet Amy Widestrom, PhD—feminist, busy mom, loyal wife, and most importantly, recovering alcoholic who is very clear about her beliefs and what keeps her grounded in sobriety.

In her very first podcast interview, Amy sheds a few layers on what it was like, what happened and how she manages her life today in the new world she shares with her husband, two daughters and the love from her AA family.

Amy is also the host of "Alternative Spiritual Remedies" a Sober Shepherds podcast coming this summer!

Your Host, Amy Widestrom

Meet Amy Widestrom, PhD—feminist, busy mom, loyal wife, and most importantly, recovering alcoholic who is very clear about her beliefs and what keeps her grounded in sobriety.

In her very first podcast interview, Amy sheds a few layers on what it was like, what happened and how she manages her life today in the new world she shares with her husband, two daughters and the love from her AA family.

Amy is also the host of "Alternative Spiritual Remedies" a Sober Shepherds podcast coming this summer!

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