Spring 2024
March 21 – April 19
This is no time to be reckless and short-sighted, Aries. Although you are unlikely to sustain, you are learning to value the people closest to you. Think to be happy and not so much to be right. Your New Year brings strong matters concerning your heart. Be very aware of those around you so that you can align your conscious with your subconscious and arrange to take what is yours.
April 20-May 20
It’s time to stop being so shy, Taurus, and show the real world that you really aren’t that unimaginative. You already proved a thousand times how dependable you are. On the other hand, your personal liberty can still hold you back from admitting that you need others. If you want to receive the intimacy and financial stability you so much desire, it’s time to put down your defenses and start getting risky.
May 21-June 20
Although your temper got the best of you last year, Gemini, your ability to manipulate your way out of it had people’s heads spinning. In this New Year if you can stand still long enough with one person you might just find that your Higher Power has your heart's best interest. Since last year’s goal was to set a course of action, this year’s goal is to execute it.
June 21-July 22
The change you have been searching for Cancer is coming so pay close attention. The first order of business is to begin the healing process and learn to let go. The rest of the world will always love you regardless. It seems that last year’s issues involving matters of the heart still haunt you. Although it’s harder for you than others, if you are really ready for the future, it’s time to let the past be history.
July 23-August 22
Take three deep breaths, Leo, and start finding alternatives for dealing with disappointments. Your cup of generosity in lending yourself to anyone that needs your assistance is overfull. If you listen closely you can hear your creative side begging you for some time alone. Stay close to others who have no problem expressing how they feel and remember that the relationship you find in sex is not the same one you will find in love.
August 23-September 22
Take your time, Virgo. Don’t be fooled by those who rush. Forget about what happened last year. Just get moving at putting your pragmatic ways to work for the good of yourself. You’re too responsible and need to seek balance. Your goal this year is to take your savings and go have some fun. Your lover will probably choose you. Just base whether you keep them or not on the simple fact that they won’t kiss and tell.
September 23-October 22
This is your year, Libra to address slough once and for all. Your practical ideas are wonderful, but your follow-through is weak. Your asset at supporting others around you makes you a magnificent source of encouragement for them. You need to learn to give it to yourself. Your innate ability to connect with a lover who can inspire you to be a better person is right around the corner. You’ve always had your choice. Choose wisely.
October 23-November 21
Although you’ve had many verbal victories this year, debating with you never feels good once you’re alone, Scorpio. Your version of being honest isn’t always the best policy. In this New Year take your best quality of loyalty and apply it to a close friend or relative that will require your devotion. They’ll turn to you because they know they can. Be proud of who you are. Just keep a close watch on that tongue of yours.
November 22-December 21
This may hit your sore spot, but without you, the show will still go on Sagittarius. The good news is you’ll still walk away from reading this in good spirits. Try and spread yourself out less and focus further on the relationships that deserve more of your undivided attention. It’s great to be in the limelight, but the balance you must seek to find true fulfillment is in the art of becoming a better listener.
December 22-January 19
Stressful moments promise better times are ahead, Capricorn. Although you may not say it allowed your experiences to speak volumes. Now is an excellent opportunity to express to a close friend how you are really feeling since you seem to always want to keep it bottled up inside of you. Your social circle is small for a reason. Don’t be fooled by others’ outside exteriors. Just keep being the good heart that you are and remember that actions speak a lot louder than words.
January 20- February 18
Your erratic behavior most people find either brilliant or frightening. The ones that encounter you either love being near you or can’t get away from you quick enough. Not even you, Aquarius can predict what’ll happen next. Your closest circle of friends cannot understand how the insanity of your mind thinks up such thoughts. Therefore, take the time in this New Year to consider that the ones that love you the most don’t necessarily have to always understand you.
February 19-March 20
It’s time to take a stand, Pisces. No more letting a manipulative friend take your last dollar and then blame them because you’re broke. Allow someone who loves you to help make you a budget. Stick to it so this year works in your favor. Keep in mind with your love life that although you’re not the superficial type watch closely out for the quick flings covered in leather and lace.